
Breathe in and out

Think of God's Word

Start a conversation with God

Memorize scripture

Audio instructions

Joshua 1:9

I will be courageous

And not discouraged

You are with me

Where ever I go

2 Chronicles 30:9

You are gracious

And merciful

You don't turn away

When I turn to you

Psalm 3:5

I lay down

And sleep

I wake again

Because you sustain me

Psalm 4:8

I lay down

And sleep

For You alone

Will keep me safe Lord

Psalm 7:10

My shield

is with You

Who saves

The upright heart

Psalm 16:8-9

You are always

With me Lord

I will not be shaken

When you are beside me

I rejoice

And rest in saftey

Jeremiah 29:11

I trust the plans

You have for me

You give me hope

And a future

Lamentations 3:22-23

Your steadfast love

Never stops

Your mercies

Never end

They are new

Every morning

Great is

Your faithfulness

Zephania 3:17

With Your love

You calm my fears

You rejoice over me

With joyful songs

Matthew 6:8

You know everything I need

Before I ask

Matthew 11:28

I give You

My burdens

And You give me


Mark 9:24

Lord I believe

Help my unbelief

Mark 10:27

With You

All things are possible

Romans 8:38-39


Can seperate


From Your love

Romans 15:13

God of hope

I trust You

Fill me with joy

And peace

2 Corinthians 5:7

Help me live

By faith

And not

By sight

2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Your grace is all

That I need

Your power works

Best in my weakness

When I am weak

You make me strong

Philippians 4:7 (Version 1)

Your peace

Will guard

My heart

And mind

Philippians 4:7 (Version 2)

Guard my heart

And mind

With Your

Indescribable peace

Philippians 4:8

Turn my thoughts

To what is right

And true

Nobel and lovely

And pure


And worthy

Of praise

Philippians 4:13

I can do all things

Through Christ

Who gives

Me strength

2 Thessalonians 3:3

You are faithful

You will give me


And protect me

2 Timothy 1:7

You do not give me

A spirit of fear

But of power

Love and self control

Hebrews 10:23

I hold on tight

To my hope in You

You can be trusted

To keep Your promise

1 Peter 5:7

I give You my worries

And cares

For You care

About me

John 4:18

There is no fear

In Your love